Sunday, April 11, 2010

Exora for big family

MPV exora..

Today's growing number of 7 seater cars have to be the way to go when you need enough room to comfortably carry a growing family. Gone are the days when you would get squished in the back seat with your 2 or 3 brothers or sisters, even sharing seatbelts to make room. Today's MPV, SUVs and CUVs make it easy to carry a lot of passengers.

Once you start looking for one though, you'll realize that there are so many to choose from... when I did a quick search I found a total of 204 in the United States! Which one is going to meet your family's needs best?

I think the best way to start your search is to determine the type of car that you need regardless of the number of seats. Let's take a look at the type of cars that are available in today's car market.

One of the best known types of vehicles is the traditional family sedan which is usually a 4 door vehicle that carries usually 4 or more passengers. In 2009, the most passenger room that I could find in a sedan was 5. So today's fuel economical sedan isn't going to fit the bill with our need for 7 seats. In the past that need was filled with the station wagon but today's station wagon is the MPV (multi-passenger vehicle) better known as the mini van.

If your needs consist of a light duty MPV that is going to cart the family around to after school activities the mini van makes a good choice. Most vans will get decent fuel mileage of 20 to 25 MPG. There are even some new hybrid models that combine gas and electricity to get mileage into the 30 and 40 miles per gallon category. However if you're going to be driving the family around in rough weather, like snow, you may be better suited to drive a SUV or sports utility vehicle.

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